Four 8.5"x11" sheets of heavy cardboard, printed black on "eye saver" green for easy
reading at a distance. All charts and table necessary to play Traveller are reproduced
on them, those items needed by the Judge on one side and those needed by the players on
the other. Combat charts have all appropriate modifiers figured in. All weapons from
Mercenary included also. Sheets may be fitted together to form a screen, concealing the
Judge's confidential information, secret die-rolls and such. This playing aid is ideal for
playing out a prepared scenario such as Dra'k'ne Station, and has been especially designed
and approved for use with Traveller.
Succinct 64-page summary of character generation with convenient rearrangement of the
appropriate Traveller tables. Provided are new tables on physical characteristics and
personal background, new and accurate combat damage tables for all standard types and
auxiliaries, complete intersteller trade tables, summary of starship operations,
character record sheets (10), and complete sets of Ship's Papers (6). The Log Book is one
of our best-selling items and can be seen in use at many gaming conventions. It has been
created and officially approved for use with Traveller.
Three 22"x34" sheets, 25mm scale, three-color Deck Plans of all standard Traveller starships
and auxilaries, complete technical data, Ship's Papers and layout grid for your own starship
design. May be used with 25mm miniature figures and Snapshot rules to simulate hand-to-hand
battles on board ship; mutinies, hijacking, boardings, savlage operations, and other adventures.
It includes High Passage cabins, Low Passage berthing spaces, bridge, engine room, fuel tanks,
cargo holds, and all compartments. The designs are blueprint-style diagrams, including a Type C
Cruiser, a Type R Subsidized Merchant, a Type Y Yacht, and such auxiliaries as a Ship's Boat
and Life Boat. This playing aid has been officially approved for use with Traveller.
A 64-page booklet detailing a vast alien research station hollowed out of an asteroid.
Sabotaged, with its crew either dead or in cold storage, it drifts through the void awaiting
the incursions of players, still protected by its automated defense systems and one
surviving alien. A complete, massive 12-level adventure for Traveller, the first of its
kind, this playgin aid is profusely illustrated by Kevin Siembieda and includes insights on
the culture, language, and history of the wierd, reptilian Dra'k'ne aliens. This is a complete,
well-detailed scenario, with several different types of research labs, repair shops, spare
parts depots, recreation areas and more, and has bee created and approved for use with Traveller.
A 48-page booklet detailing the Tancred System, located in the Outreamer Sub-Sector of Ley
Sector. Included is a complete description of an entire civilized planet as well as other
significant installations on other planets. Tancred is an excellent place to start a Traveller
Campaign. many opportunities for character particiation exist in the on-going revolt against
the current regime. All major cities are mapped and described with encounter tables provided.
The centerfold contains an 11"x17" two color map of the planet. Complete details are provided
for a B Class Starport. Four special scenarios are included to get campaigns underway. Featured
on the cover are a complete set of 15mm scale armored fighting vehicles for the Mercenary
Regiment detailed withing.
An entire Travellor Sector on a 22"x34" map with accompanying 32-page Guidebook. The map,
in three colors, gives stellar location, jump routes, and political division. The reverse
of the map has detailed maps of eight significant planets along with the statistics and
complete historical background of each. The Guidebook goes into detail on each of the 16
Sub-Sectors with full statistics on each system. History and current political situation are
given as well as encounter and rumor charts and table. This product is one of the first in a
series providing a complete detailed campaign approved for use with Traveller.
What's happening on the Darthanon Queen? This Traveller adventure pits the players against
the unknown. Three basic scenarios can be used separately or combined into many possible
adventures. This 32-page book includes pullout Ship Plans in two colors, plus map of
Guadix Drift Sub-Sector. Crew and passengers of the Darthanon Queen are detailed along
with the crews of two possible rescue ships, the Nova Hawk and the Lucky Winds. Everyone
should be on the lookout for the Dyson, one of the meanest aliens you'll ever meet in the
depth of Space. An official adventure approved for use with Traveller.
50 STARBASES - JG 0480
A new playing aid for Traveller campaigns, this 96-page book provides the esential Starbases
necessary to any spacefaring culture. Extensive tables are provided to detail the facilites
of each Starbase, as well as the services available to Startravellers in the nearby area.
Created and approved for use with Traveller.
Glimmerdrift Reaches is the second entire Traveller Sector produced by Judges Guild. The
22"x34" three-color map gives stellar locations, political divisions, and jump routes in the
Sector. Eight significant planets are mapped in detail on the back, along with complete
historical background and statistics on each. The 32-page Guidebook contains details on each
of the 16 Sub-Sectors with complete statistics on each of the hundreds of systems. Background
history is given on the current plitical situation, as well as rumor and encounter charts
for the Referee.
Doom of the Singing Star is Judges Guild's newest release for Traveller. Included within the
64-page Guidebook are scenarios covering hijacking, piracy rescue, and husts on shipboard,
as well as security and mercenary assignments planetside. The package also contains 24 Giant
15mm scale Deck Plans for Cruise Liners of the Brilliant Gem Class. Designed as commercial
vessels, the para-military capabilities of these ships permit them to play a prominent part
in any campaign.
A new mapping aid for Traveller campaigns, this 112-page book provides all the special grids
for plotting six complete sectors. Each of the 96 Subsectors has a separate page with a map
grid and planetary data blanks. Room for over three thousand stellar systems gives enough
elbow room to get any campaign off to a Nova blast start. Created and approved for use with
The third Judges Guild Traveller Sector with a 22"x34" three color map and a 32-page Guidebook.
Part of the Gateway Quadrant Campaign, this product links with Ley Sector, Glimmerdrift
Reaches, and the forthcoming Maranatha-Alkahest Sector. The map gives stellar location,
political divisions and jump routes. Eight significant sector planets are mapped in detail
on the back, along with complete historical background and statistics on each. The Guidebook
details each of the hundreds of systems. Background history of the plitical and military
situation is given, as well as rumor and encounter charts for the Judge. Created and approved
for use with Traveller.
This 32-page book with 22"x34" color map details a planet in the Maranatha-Alkahest Sector of
the Gateway Quadrant. Complete details are given on the planet Ghostring, as well as on its
sapien native race, the Hawklings. One major scenario is given with several additional
variants detailed as well as suggestions for Judges modifications to suit the tone of their
own personal campaign. Ghostring is but one of a series of approved Traveller playaids
designed to keep any campaign moving along at Jump 6!
This 32-page adventure is the first in the Border Prowler Adventure Series set in the
Gateway Quadrant. The basis of the scenario is a commando raid for information on an unknown
installation. Complete personnel and equipement statistics are given for ships, assault shuttles,
and opposition forces. This product is designed to serve as an introductory scenario to campaign
gaming iwth a complete set of pre-generated characters. Also included is a scoring system for
evaluating performance in tournament play. The same people and equipment are to be used
throughout the entire series. New equipment featured in the series includes the 40-ton armoured
assault shuttle and the 1000-ton Border Prowler Class Ship. All maps and encounter tables are
provided for the Judge. Created and approved for use with Traveller.
This 32-page adventure continues as the second in the Border Prowler Adventure Series set in the
Gateway Quadrant. though intended to be played as the second in a series, this adventure may be
played on its own. The same personnel and equipment is used for this as waw used for Amycus Probe.
New information is introduced into the ongoing plot. Complete personnel and equipment statistics
are given for ships, assault shuttles, and opposition forces. This product is designed to serve
as an introductory scenario to campaign gaming and provides a complete set of pre-generated characters.
Part of the scenario is a scoring system for evaluating performance in tournament play. All maps
and encounter tables are provided for this adventure set in the rings and moons of a gas giant
planet. Created and approved for use with Traveller.
This adventure scenario contains a 32-page Guidebook and a 22"x34" double-sided map sheet. Set in
the Ley Sector of the Gateway Quadrant, the adventure features the "Simba Safari" and crew. Complete
15mm plans of the Type K Hunter Ship are included, as is a 15mm scale plan of the adventure site.
The crew and passengers range across the planets of the Diamond - Prince Sub-Sector in search of
trophies and adventure. Six planets ar provided in detail along with all terrain and animal charts.
The scenario is completely detailed for the Judge, and suggestions are given for personalizing the
adventure to suit the tone of his or her campaign. This adventure may be complete self-contained
and use only the provided characters, or players may utilize their own characters. Created and
approved for use with Traveller.
The fourth and final Traveller Sector completes the Judges Guild Gateway Quadrant Campaign background.
This product contains a 22"x34" three-color map and a 32-page Guidebook. The map gives Stellar
Locations, political divisions, and jump routes in the Sector. The reverse of the map has eitht
significant planets of the Sector mapped in detail with historical background and statistics on
each. The guidebook details each of the 392 Systems. Background history of each of the 16 Sub-Sectors
is provided as well as political and military information on the nine significant interstellar
states, empires, sultanates, and einarchys located here. Complete events, rumors, and encounter
charts are provided for the Judge in this product. This product has been created and approved for
use with Traveller.
This 32-page adventure is set in the Union Crucis of the Crucis Margin Sector. Contains
details on the planet Mellansel, the Space Pirates and Corsairs operating in the
sector, and the hidden pirate base. Details and deck plans for a Hellbeast Type P
Corsair Starship. Plus four scenarios.
Created and approved for use with Traveller.
High adventure in the far future as Space Pirates scourge the starlanes. Vicious mind control devices
enslave hapless captives. the Pirate's Starbase and the entire planet of Waspwinter are detailed
for play. Five subject races are listed along with encounter tables for the life and land of the
planet. Contains a 32-page book with 22"x34" color map of the planet. Waspwinter is another of the
Judges Guild Planetary Guide series created and approved for use with Traveller.
This 32-page adventure is the third in the Border Prowler Adventure Series set in the
Judges Guild Gateway Quadrant of the Traveller campaign universe. Set up in tournament
format with handout sheets of information, equipment, and pre-generated characters.
Created and approved for use with Traveller.