By Dave Arneson, co-author of Dungeons & Dragons. Two 17"x22" maps (one for players,
one for the Judge) showing wilderness around the famous Blackmoor Castle, and a giant
64-page booklet detailing the assorted baronies, citadels, leaders histories and
development of the original fantasy role-playing campaign, and the entire Blackmoor
Dungeon as Judged by Arneson. The maps are printed on high-quality brown pebble-grain
stock, designed to last a long time. Herein are many new guidelines on lair generation,
character interests and vocations (hunting, farming, fishing, trapping, etc.), the
resources and manpower of the various feudal holdings and nomadic hordes of this landmark
in wargaming, and much more. Carefully mapped are the twelve levels of Blackmoor Dungeon
beneath the five levels of Blackmoor Castle, the village of Blackmoor, the home of Mello
the Halfling, and the tower of Svenson's Freehold.
Four (blank) 17"x22" numbered hex-grid sheets, printed on both sides of high-quality brown
pebble-grain stock for a total of eight grids. These are ideal for use by the Judge in
creating his own wilderlands, and may be used for the standard D&D 5-mile wilderness hex.
The sheets are printed in the same size as our standard Judges Guild City State campaign
maps of the wilderland, so that the Judges may expand their works as they desire. Printed
with a double-burning process, half-tones, these are very large (34 hexes long and 52
wide) and can be used for anything in any gaming system; they are as versatile and useful
to the wargamer as notebook filler is to a student. Colored pencils and felt-tipped pens
work beautifully on this surface and will not soak through.
Two 28.5"x22" sheets, each present deck plans of twenty different ships, small craft
and equipment from Viking longships to dugout canoes. These are detailed right down
to the wood graining in the individual deck planks; nail heads and rope ply of the riggin
are visible in a truely fine work of art. The ships are hex-gridded in 25mm scale for use
with miniatures. Included is a 32-page booklet with extensive technical descriptions,
historical information on the cultures which used the various craft and equipment, and
other gaming aids. These are suitable for use with any medieval or fantasy role-playing
system currently in print, and ideal for campaign Judges wishing to expand their gaming
horizons into maritime traffic and trade, and ram-and-cutlass naval warfare.
WAR CRY - JG 0068
A set of miniatures rules including reference charts, pull-out gaming aids, and figure set-up
and construction guide suitable for battles ranging from the ancient era through the
Middle Ages, sumulated with 25mm miniatures. Included are extensive rules on the siege
engines of medieval artillery, and their effects on both field formations and fortified
positions, plus moral rules, simplified missle fire and melee, extremely quick and easy-to-use
combat modifiers, point values of the different troop types to prepare even sides for
competition, priority targets for missile fire, and much more. This is a basic 32-page
set of simple rules which emphasizes action and quick resolution, affording a balance
of simplicity and realism, fighting out a full-fledges battle will take less time than with
most rules sets, yet results are practical and believable.
This is a set of four of the 28x5"x22.5"charts from Sea Steads and Wave Riders for a total
of eighty items. Here are longships, war galleys, merchants, log rafts, dugout canoes,
harbor lighters, barges, deck siege engines and more. The charts are printed in brown on
high-quality tan stock, and form a highly detailed playing aid for use in 25mm miniatures
simulations of boarding actions, catapult warfare, mutinies, and other battles and adventures,
suitable for use with any medieval or fantasy rules system that includes the use of 25mm
figures. The charts are hex-gridded for simplicty of movement of the figures. They are
finely detailed, right down to the woodgrain of the deck planking, the nail heads and
rigging lines can be seen. The charts are extremely versatile for gaming.
This 80-page booklet contains the best of the first six issues of The Dungeoneer,
edited and illustrated by Paul Jaquays. Hordes of new and different monsters, troves
of new magic items and artifacts, and the best in fantasy role-playing articles and
variants fill its pages, as well as the first installments of the classic swords-and-sorcery
serial by J.Mark Hendricks, "The Arcane Elders". Since the Dungeoneer was the
originator of the complete mini-dungeon, this volume contains six of these versatile
prepared scenarios, keyed and beutifully mapped. The issues that it covers have been
entirely sold out, so this is a good way for players and Judges to catch up on what
they've missed.
This 64-page tome with handsome cover provides tables for random generation of olden names,
nicknames, titles, twon and tavern names for fantasy and science-fiction role-playing games.
The English language and its antecedents such as Celtic, Teutonic, Scandinavian, Latin
and Greek tongues have ben used as sources, so that name meanings would be on the fringes
of the familiar and exotic simultaneously. A good name will establish a chracter's personality
or an inn's or village's atmosphere and history; it encourages a credible rapport and
reminds players that all of the characters have a strong self-interest and identity in
the game. Forty-six pages of various tables are provided with extensive guidelines to
their application. The various tables provide 320,000 possible name combinations.
TREK 80 - JG 0100
This cassette tape game for the Radio Shack TRS-80 computer is our first application of
a new idea in wargaming: the use of computer simulations. It requires a computer capable
of at least 16K of memory and use of the Level II Basic computer language. This is not
just another Star Trek game: it's the toughest Trek game to beat yet. The Enterprise must
protect a Federation supply fleet of transport tugs, and the commands can control everything
from combat attack sequence programming and defensive modes on the ship's computer, to
evasive action, to energy flow from the reactors to the various engines and phaser banks.
Phasers, photon torpedoes and Starbases are provided for. The Klingons and the tugs all
have simultaneous movement and combat, the tugs even have puny phasers and occasionally
knock out Klingons themselves!
A 64-page booklet which includes 50 pages of maps on various fortifications: every type
from solitary spires and wooden stockades to massive fortresses and walled cities. These
are excellent for siege, intrigue and other adventures by the players. Also included are
table for naming the castles. The castles are mapped on light grey hex grids, suitable
for changes by the Judge with a felt-tipped marker. A Judges Guild Campaign Hexagon
The Fantasy Cartographer's Fieldbook is the Judges Guild solution to many of the Fantasy
role-playing mapping problems. Large 96-page book provides a set of comprehensive mapping
symbols that can be used to mark all features and encounters. Four separate types of Mapping
Grids are provided plus Map Key and Record pages. Gamers are sure to find this book useful
for record keeping and mapping their own campaigns. The increasing number of gamers who
are writing magazine articles, designing products, and submitting contest adventure scenarios
will find this book invaluable.
15mm AFV plans for any use with science fiction miniatures rules, and/or role-playing.
Also contains simple rules for resolving table top combat.
This is the Judges Guild solution to many of the Scient Fiction role-playing mapping
problems. This large 96-page book provides a set of comprehensive mapping symbols that
can be used to mark all features and encounters. Three separate types of Mapping Grids
are provided plus Map Key and Record pages to permit accurate mapping of anything from
a solar system down to an individual room. Gamers are sure to find this book useful for
organizing their own campaigns.
This 64-page booklet contains 48 pages of interior layouts of various Temples. These are
excellent for use with scenarios where you have players encountering religious groups in
their own Temples or for use as the main theme of you scenario. The Temples are mapped
on light grey square grids, suitable for changes by the Judge with felt-tipped markers.
A Judges Guild Campaign Hexagon Sub-System.
This is the first in a new series of adventures suitable for use with all fantasy
role-playing systems. All the incredible detail and playability you have come to expect
from Judges Guilde is now available for all game systems. Four gigantic 22"x34" maps
detail Ravenscrag Castle and the levels below, right down to each individual stone. The
immense 64-page Guidebook covers all buildings, personalities, treasures, and monsters
with far more detail than even the most picky Judge needs.
Composed of two 96-page volumes with a new set of rules for fantasy role-playing.
Character statistics, classes, and abilities are included in the first volume, along
with melee and psionic combat tables and provisions for godhood. Add to all this are
612 familiar and not-so-familiar Monsters, complete with statistics for them and their
The God Math needs you! Only the daring enter the ancient Tower to prove worthy to
serve him. Maps of each level and what lies in each are furnished in this 32-page
Guidebook, as well as a nasty surprise for unwary players.
Masters of Mind is a detailed rules set for psionic combat. The rules include initial
character talents and how to develop those talents, as well as attack and defense modes
for combat. All 80 pages are full of charts, tables, and rules, plus examples of combat
given for clear reading and comprehension. A must for fantasy role-playing!
Something is harassing the village of Restormel. People are disappearing. People are
being found dead. Terror stalks the night. It is up to you to find the cause and destroy
it. this is a 32-page book with 2 detailed 22"x34" maps of the Castle and maps of all the
major village buildings. This adventure includes a creature not to be found anywhere else.
A completely detailed spaceport and twon out on the active fringes of adventure, this campaign
aid comprises a 48-page book and a 22"x34" double-sided Map Sheet. Designed to serve as
an initial starter scenario, this product gives a firm base for starting out a team of
adventurers on the proverbial shoestring. Opportunities for both legitimate and ilegal
profits are present. All buildings and installations are completely mapped in 15mm scale for use
with miniatures or counters. This is the first in a series of products which are designed
to be utilized with all science fiction role-playing systems.
The action is crammed into this 16-page fantasy adventure module. An ancient prophet
fortold of the rising from the pits of Hell of the dead and buried Druid, F'deck Fo, and
of the devastation he would bring on the descendants of his people. The time-worn prophecy
is reaching for fulfillment; the curse must be reversed and destroyed. You must march to
the Tomb, enter, and end the unholy evil residing there. This product contains multiple
adventures, new and horrifying creatures, a strong fortress, and a completely described
barbarian village.
This 48-page Universal Playaid details the rich Dwarven Mine which lies just outside
the walls of the City State of the Invincible Overlord. The City-State is alive with rumors
of the strange happenings deep within the Glory Hole. Something is going on down there - is
it the deiscovery of ancient catacombs filled with the artifacts of a long-dead civilization?
Is it a power struggle between the Overlord and the Cwarves over the control of the mine?
is it a grudge match between Dwarven and non-Dwarven miners over the division of vast
treasures that have been found? Is it an influx of creatures from without? Is it an influx of
creature from within? Is it an influx of creatures from another Plane? Is it the discovery
of a lost Gnomish mine adjacent to the Glory Hole? Can all of the preceding questions be
answered by an emphatic "YES!"? Venture into the Glory Hole Dwarven Mine, if you dare,
and find out how you can turn these events into adventure and riches beyond your wildest
This 64-page compilation details 78 fantastic personalities for use in any fantasy campaign.
Each character comes complete with background information, religious inclinations, personal
quirks, magic items, favorite tactics, spell knowledge, and much more. Many character classes
are represented, such as Assassins, Theives, Warrior-Priests, Fighters, Bards, Monks,
Wizards, Illusionists, Rangers, Clerics, and Druids, as well as the various races (Gnomes,
Dwarves, Elves, etc.). Characters range in power from the totally inexperienced to the Elven
Prince of 2,000 years old. Included herein are such notables as Aeschulas the gambling
wizard, Rivera the happy-go-lucky Thief, Sheila the she-wolf, Cherliy the Rotund, Tina of
Tergonis, and Rita Nimblefingers. The personalities are keyed to the Judges Guilde Campaign
Maps, but they can be used in anyone's world. This is a must for any serious Judge who
recognizes the importance of fantastic personalitites with which the players can interact.
This 48-page book includes three separate quests for use with any fantasy role-playing
campaign. Detailed within is a quest for those Halflings that are tired of being overshadowed
by the Big People. Join them on the perilous quest for "The Book of Ancestry." Or, if evil,
rotten, mean, and nasty characters are your forte', guide two Half-Orcs on their "Quest
fo rthe Spear of Karkness." Fight those wimpy Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes, and Halflings that
stand in the way of Orcish domination. Also included is a quest for that single character
who believes he or she is invincible. Definitely a must for any campaign that includes
high-level characters. "The Cave of Despair" is an unique adventure scenario which pits a
lone player against the spectres of the past and the phantoms of the future. An exciting
and bewildering adventure that will be enjoyed by both the Judge and player.
A Judges Guild Universal Fantasy Supplement.
Prey of Darkness is a Universal Playaid which details a force of brigands and their advisors,
followers, and slaves. Each of the brigands has a price on his or her head. You have been
charged with their capture! Can you bring them back to face trial alive, or must you kill
them in order to collect the reward? Can you even survive the attempt? Send your heroes
and heroines in search of Red Honohon and Black M'Dabb. This scenario can also be used
for evil characters who need manpower to accomplish their goals. Join Red and Black in
their endeavors to become rich and powerful. Become a brigand and terrorize the countryside!
Challenge Red and Black for the leadership of the brigand force! All this and more awaits
A Judges Guild Universal Fantasy Supplement.
The Corsairs of Talibar were one of the most feared bands of pirates that ever sailed the Nydar
Sea. Nearly 75 years have passed since any captain has quailed at the sight of that dreaded
band at his bow. Were they defeated in some unknown battle or swallowed up by the sea. Find
out in this 48-page adventure. Contains 3 maps, 1 new monster, encounter tables, and 6
pre-generated adventurers for use. This adventure is for 6-10 adventurers from 1st to 3rd level.
A Judges Guild Universal Fantasy Supplement.
This 32-page book contains new and exciting magical items and mystical artifacts for use
with any adventure or campaign. Designed to bring awe to the faces of your player-characters.
A Judges Guild Universal Fantasy Supplement.
This new and exciting adventure book holds ten complete adventures! The Beast of Blackwater,
The Mountain of Fire, The Temple of Allisstanis, and many more. Each include maps, full
background information, and accompanying rumors.
The Book of Treasure Maps III is an 80-page adventure book designed for the Judges Guild
Universal Fantasy Game System. This system may be used with most role-playing systems, which
the players must provide.
LURID LAIRS - JG 1000 (not published)
Many, many designers have combined efforts to bring you this compilation of creature lairs.
These capsule adventures include the lairs of Dwarves, Elves, Dragons, Giant Eagles, Gargoyles,
Ghouls, Griffins, Ghost, Gnomes, Hippogriffs, Hydras, Ki-Rin, and many more. Lurid Laris will
be a welcome to any existing campaign. It is designed to alleviate the sudden design pressure
every Judge comes under during nearly every gaming session. Whenever a monster lair is needed
quickly, Lurid Lairs can help. This 64-page booklet is the first in a series of booklets that
will eventually cover most every monster the inhabits a lair. Lurid Lairs is a much-needed gaming
aid brought to you by all the Gremlins at Judges Guild.
Featuring a marvelous magical weapons shop run by a capable dwarf armorer, Wondrous Weapons contains
120 different and astounding magical weapons for use in any campaign. Rplayers must buy or trade
to gain the weapon of their choice, or the judge can construct a weapon using the tables included.
The entire weapons shop is described room by room in this 64-page Universal play aid.
INNS & TAVERNS - JG 1070 (not published)
A 64 page collection of various Inns and Taverns set both in and outside the Judges Guild campaign
world. All can be set into any campaign for use by any Judge, all feature a complete detailed map
of the premises and exacting detail of every room and employee with some regular customers too.
Adventure can be found when looked for, but players must be careful of results unlooked for. This
is a new Universal Playaid adding new dimensions to campaigning for all Judges and their characters.
This Judges Guild Universal Fantasy Campaign Supplement can be used with almost all fantasy
role-playing games. Each map will easily become a mini-adventure for any party that contains
at least 16 levels of characters which include magic users and clerics, or dwarves. 48 caves
and caverns with nine pages of charts and guidelines using the City State Campaign Hexagon
System. Random cave and dungeon generation tables are also included.
Boxed game containing 3 full-color geomorphic maps, 400 counters, and 32-page rules book.
The game is a tactical-level simulation of infantry combat in the far future. While the
game is self-contained, it was designed for use with sci-fi campaign and the resolving of
battles in them. The easy-to-learn rules cover the basics of any wargame such as movement
and fire, flight, night combat, dropping powered infantry from starships, and much more.
Also included are rules covering the raising and maintaining of units in a campaign along
with 11 scenarios.
The House of Euklidies, a temple to Astokph the Diety of Travel and Transporter of the
Dead, is asking for a group of adventurers to recover three lost magical items of the
temple. Adventures must pass through the portal and enter the Druid's Keep to recover
them. Contains 6 maps, 5 new monsters, and over 60 NPCs.
A Judges Guild Universal Fantasy Supplement.
An eerie silence greeted the dawn at Riverside House the morning after the wedding feast of
Arnulf and Gunda. As the day wore on concerned villagers appealed to Oskine to gather some
of the guests at the Feathered Serpent Inn and investigate. Oskine instructed the group of
guests to proceed ahead and said he would join them later. The guests crossed the empty
threshold to discover...
A Judges Guild Universal Fantasy Supplement.
It is rumored that the vast treasure of Kelandor I still lies
scattered about the once mighty castle. The present lord, Kelandor IX
has invited any and all to search for the treasure in return for clearing the castle of the
many monsters that have taken up residence there since the demise of Kelandor I. This new
adventure is for a dungeon party of 5-8 adventurers of levels 6-10. Contains 9 dungeon
levels, 10 maps, 7 new monsters and over 90 NPCs.
A Judges Guild Universal Fantasy Supplement.
Two books, each 96-pages, detailing the City State of Tarantis and the surrounding
campaign area. Includes a 20"x28" map of the City State of Tarantis and Campaign Area
Map Four. Details on the history, government, customs, religions, and military of Tarantis.
Also covers the shops and courts of Tarantis, The Tarantine Palace, Bard or Fighter Citadel,
Ho Chi's Castle, The Azurerain Pirates and their stronghold.
A Judges Guild Universal Fantasy Supplement.