The Dungeoneer #09 Jan-Feb 1979 64p -------------- FEATURES Copyrights - C.Anshell Computer Space Gaming - M.Goldberg Untitled Article on Traveller - M.Miller - Dealing with the Concepts of Empires Star Ranger (character class for S&S) - P.Jaquays Personnal History System - P.Jaquays Space Wars Comic - R.Bingham Morkendaine Dungeon - P.Jaquays SERIALS The Arcane Elders - J.Hendricks A Private Hell - B.Hinner Under Sky King's Light - B.Paley The Edge of the Galaxy - P.Jaquays Life on Mars - Gil Questing - A.Arocho COLUMNS The Labortory (editorial) - C.Anshell Nose Wet or No Sweat - B.Paley The Die is Cast Booty Bag