The Dungeoneer #16 Mar-Apr 1980 64p -------------- FEATURES Player's Errors In 'Under Skyking's Light' - B.Paley The Mystic: A New Magic-User Subclass - J.Mattson A New and Radically Different Expertise System - B.Seligman The High Priesthood of Thebes - S.Marsh The 'Other' Class In Traveller - B.Paley Fiction: "Winter Encounters" - J.Brightman, W.Sommers Warlocks: A New Magic-User Subclass - A.Barnstone The Armed Forces in Traveller - B.Paley COLUMNS The Labortory (editorial) - B.Hinnen Words & Whips Under Toe - Current Happenings Dungeoneer Depths: - The Lair of Krepache the Lepter - N.Silberman, M.Rubin, B.Paley SERIALS The Edge of the Galaxy - P.Jaquays